In my
last blog, I explored how the layers of calcium carbonate, which build up
as a coral skeleton grows, can be used as a climate proxy. We can find a
similar process by looking at tree rings. One of the more established practices
in palaeoclimatology is dendroclimatology (the use of tree rings to study the past
climates). Like other palaeoclimatological proxies, it allows us to extend the
range of our observational record beyond that of conventional weather recording
Just as corals live for hundreds of years (sometimes over a
thousand years), trees can keep on recording the composition of the atmosphere
in their layers of cellulose for many hundreds of years, and beyond when
fossilised. Figure 1 below shows an example of Huon pine samples ready for
analysis, each dark line denoting a season of growth.
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Figure 1: Huon Pine ready for analysis. Source: Edward Cook, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY |
Isotopic differences
Ancient pines are often the favoured study subjects due to
their longevity. They can give annual or seasonal information on atmospheric
composition. To extend the record beyond a single sample, a variety of sources
can be combined together using distinctive signatures as shown in Figure 2
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Figure 2: Sources of tree ring data showing how various samples can be linked together. Source: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona |
The main process that allow us to look at past storms is
the fractionation of stable oxygen isotopes through condensation and
evaporation. I touch upon this in my previous
blog about corals, it is the difference atomic weight between the heavier
oxygen-18 isotope and oxygen-16 isotope that allows us to glean clues about
past climate events from tree cores.
The difference in atomic weight of oxygen isotopes is
derived from the number of neutrons in the atomic structure. The most common
natural isotope is oxygen-16 (over 99% of atmospheric oxygen) which has 8
protons and 8 neutrons (electrons are virtually weightless by comparison), but stable
oxygen atoms can also have 9 or 10 neutrons to make up the different isotopes
that we find useful for palaeoclimatology. As mentioned before, the water
molecules with the lighter oxygen isotopes (oxygen-16) are preferentially
evaporated in warm temperatures, while conversely the water molecules with
heavier isotopic values (oxygen-18) tend to condense and form clouds or
precipitation more easily. It is this property that allows us to identify different
sources of precipitation in tree ring samples.
In extreme precipitation events associated with tropical
cyclones, the level of oxygen-18 depletion in the rain water is high due to the
highly efficient process of forming precipitation via condensation in the core
of a tropical cyclone (Lawrence
in 1998, Monksgaard
et al. 2015). In Lawrence’s paper, five tropical cyclones that made
landfall in Texas, U.S, were studied. They showed much lower oxygen-18 to oxygen-16
ratios (or δ18O) from
tropical cyclones than normal summer convective storms.
This finding was further corroborated by a study of Hurricane Olivia by Lawrence et al. in 2002. Tropical cyclones are also large and long-lived and create vast areas of precipitation that can stay in the water system for weeks, giving different isotopic characteristics associated with the location of the heaviest rain bands and storm centre (Monksgarrd et al 2015). Deep soil water can remain unaffected by normal summer rainfall, and in the absence of further heavy rain events, it is allowed to be taken up by trees (Tang and Feng, 2001).
This finding was further corroborated by a study of Hurricane Olivia by Lawrence et al. in 2002. Tropical cyclones are also large and long-lived and create vast areas of precipitation that can stay in the water system for weeks, giving different isotopic characteristics associated with the location of the heaviest rain bands and storm centre (Monksgarrd et al 2015). Deep soil water can remain unaffected by normal summer rainfall, and in the absence of further heavy rain events, it is allowed to be taken up by trees (Tang and Feng, 2001).
It seems clear that oxygen isotope analysis seems to be the
favoured form of tree ring analysis for palaeotempestology.
Tapping the potential
Upon learning about these methods it also seems reasonable
to assume that different intensities and characters of storms will result in
different levels of oxygen-18 depletion. It seems likely that there would be
much uncertainty in making assumptions of a storm’s intensity based on isotope
fractionation (but I’ll keep looking for more research on this). At the moment,
it seems that the uncertainty may preclude a reliable intensity measure of
past storms using this approach.
The oxygen isotopes uptake into the tree’s structure will
depend on many factors, including biological processes that are dependent on
species, tree age, exposure to the storm, soil composition. Growth cycles are
also taken into account. By doing so we can try to limit the degree to which
uncertainty derived from the mismatch between growth season and storm season,
can cloud useful information.
In the North Atlantic basin for example, hurricane season
runs from early June to late November and as such overlaps mainly with latewood
(as opposed to earlywood) growing phase. Therefore it is these sections of the layers of tree rings which are
focussed upon for palaeotempestological studies.
et al. 2006 presented the emerging case for using oxygen isotopes more
widely after the devastation left behind by the busy 2004 and 2005 hurricane
seasons, by building a 220-year record to identify past storms from unusually
low oxygen-18 isotopes in pine forests. This is potentially very useful for engineering and loss modelling concerns.
“Can’t see the wood for the trees”
There are many uncertainties in the application of tree ring
data to palaeoclimatology, let alone palaeotempestology, as summarized in the
review paper by Sternberg
et al. in 2009, including complex cellulose uptake biology, changes in
isotopic composition of soil water, assumptions based on the relationship
between leaf temperature and ambient temperature.
However, every study adds to the wealth of information and since each site represents a single location slice through time, it seems as though the science of dendroclimatology will only continually benefit from new data. And there still seems to be push to collect and analyse more data. The National Climatic Data Center, hosted by NOAA, is a font of old and recent tree ring datasets.
However, every study adds to the wealth of information and since each site represents a single location slice through time, it seems as though the science of dendroclimatology will only continually benefit from new data. And there still seems to be push to collect and analyse more data. The National Climatic Data Center, hosted by NOAA, is a font of old and recent tree ring datasets.
A recent review of the data by Schubert
and Jahren published in October this year (2015) takes a wide view. It aims
to unify tree ring data sets, to bring together a global picture of past
extreme precipitation events based on low oxygen-18 isotope records. They
conducted 5 new surveys and used 28 sites from the literature to create a
relationship using seasonal temperature and precipitation, which can explain
most of the isotopic oxygen ratio in tree cellulose. This seems to be a step up
in resolution, as looking at seasonal variations rather than annual cycles may provide
a step closer to identifying individual storms or storm clusters using tree
ring data. It is interesting to see a comment in the conclusion of this paper
about the fact that much of the uncertainty that still remains in this link, is
derived from disturbances, such as storms.
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Figure 3: Comparison between measured δ18O in the cellulose of studies trees and the calculated δ18O using the model developed by Schubert and Jahren which uses known climate characteristics. It shows a good correlation on relating seasonal temperature and precipitation to oxygen-18 isotope ratios. Source: Schubert and Jahren, 2015 |
It seems clear that it would be much more difficult to
develop a simple equation to explain the extremes of the isotopic ratio chronologies to identify extreme storms. However, Schubert and Jahren seem to have
taken a step forward while remaining focussed on average seasonal
conditions. Nevertheless, I can’t help but wonder if there is a way for extreme
events to be linked in to somehow.
Alternatives to isotopes
When looking specifically at past storms in trees rings, I did
find a couple of other approaches to using tree ring data that may also be worth
a mention.
Firstly, an interesting couple of papers by Akachuka
in 1991 and another
in 1993, used a method where trees that have been forced to lean after a
hurricane. This phenomenon is examined for any extra clues that it may provide
by assessing how these trees recover from such disturbances. Although the papers do not
look specifically at characterising the storms themselves (i.e. there is no
wind speed to bole displacement relationship), I couldn’t help but wonder if there
is some extra information to gather from these trees and whether we could build a
relationship to specific storms or storm seasons.
Another paper by Sheppard
et al. in 2005 looks at the effect of a tornado in 1992 on a specific
dendrochronology and re-evaluates the pre-historical records from wood samples
retrieved from an 11th century ruin in Arizona. He looks for similar patterns
in wood growth (see Figure 2 for conceptualisation). Unfortunately, the patterns found in the
tree rings which were caused by the tornado in 1992 were not replicated in the
ring patterns of the 11th century sample. This is certainly
interesting work, but I imagine that finding enough data for trees that are damaged
but still survive tornadoes is not easy, especially when comparing to single
older samples.
Although individual studies using tree lean or damage from
specific events like tornados, are interesting and worthwhile academic endeavours
to help us understand the ways in which storms of various scales impact certain
tree growth, they do seem somewhat less
applicable to thinking about climate change and how frequency and severity of
storms are changing over a wide area.
With so many subtleties based on factors such as tree species or topography of a study site, I feel that the broader synthesis approaches (as per Schubert and Jahren above) using stable oxygen isotopes offer greater immediate potential for aiding our understanding of past changes in storm activity with possibility for application to risk assessments and projecting impacts of future climate change.
With so many subtleties based on factors such as tree species or topography of a study site, I feel that the broader synthesis approaches (as per Schubert and Jahren above) using stable oxygen isotopes offer greater immediate potential for aiding our understanding of past changes in storm activity with possibility for application to risk assessments and projecting impacts of future climate change.
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