Friday 30 October 2015

Which climate phenomenon are you?

My last blog was a long one, so this evening I am just dropping by to share a quick link that I found while reading about seasonal forecasting.

We've all seen those online personality quizzes to see which superhero you are or which Disney princess you are most like, but Columbia University's International Research Institute have come up with a new one: Which climate phenomenon are you?

This is the link to the quiz:

Apparently, I am like the Pacific Decadal Oscillation - Mysterious apparently!

Aside from the novelty of this quiz, I appreciate the effort to bring a bit of climate science into a different more entertaining platform. ENSO gets a lot of press but there are lots of competing and compounding mode of climate variability with global and local effects. Personifying them in this way is a neat idea to help in their understanding.

I now have a closer affinity towards the PDO at least!

There's a summary of many of the significant modes of climate variability at the IRI website. This link will no doubt be useful as these modes will surely come up again in my future blogs.

Monday 26 October 2015

Storms, Species and Ecosystem Stability

An interesting lecture last Friday, from Prof. Anson Mackay, about biodiversity and landscape change got me thinking. He talked about the value of biodiversity and various ecosystem services that are at risk due to recent global changes. Changes such as CO2 levels, urban expansion, deforestation, ocean acidification, sea ice loss, habitat loss, marine ecosystem over-exploitation and more, are all effecting biodiversity and their associated ecosystem services at both global and local scales.

I was left with one question: Being an ex-weather man, I couldn’t help but wonder about how storms can affect biodiversity. Can a single storm or series of storms lead to extinction of a species? If they can, then in a warmed future world where storms may be more severe, possibly more frequent in places, and perhaps moving their tracks to hit places that are not well-adapted to such storms, is future storminess a more significant threat to biodiversity than it is today? This also needs to be put in the context of human population to growth continuing through this century (UN predictions of around 11 billion people by 2100), which will no doubt continue to put more pressure on natural habitats through urban expansion with increasing numbers of people living in megacities.

Species on the brink
What evidence is there for storms affecting biodiversity? From personal experience, I can think of one species of bird, which may be put under more pressure from increased storminess and as well as human activity: the Bermuda Longtail. After living for three years on the small island of Bermuda, I only saw one or two, but these stunning marine birds that live on the wing are the subjects of keen conservation efforts
Source: Bermuda Goverment

Roughly 50% of the breeding pairs in the North Atlantic nest in Bermuda’s cliffs. The Longtails are however quite rare and are prone to pressures from:
  • ·       storms and floods,
  • ·       coastal development and human activity,
  • ·       predation from new species alien to the island such as rats, crows and domestic cats,
  • ·       competition for suitable nesting sites from pigeons, all only present since humans inhabited the island.

Lots of pressures, and surely an example of one of many species in a similar situation. In general, my instincts tell me that certain vulnerable species should be prone on a local scale. As in the case of the Longtail, when a vital breeding ground is as isolated as Bermuda, it seems to be reasonable to expect that species that are already on the brink, and are vulnerable to abrupt changes of landscape like the erosion and flooding after a storm or change in land use of a coastline, could be pushed towards extinction by a single event at a critical time, for example during breeding.

Coral destruction
Teixidó et al. in 2013 looked at the impact of severe storms in the NW Mediterranean Sea on biodiversity on the sea bed (benthic region) in coral producing species of marine life. The case study looks at a storm that hit the study region on December 26th 2008 and was considered to be the strongest in 50 years at the time. The study examined the benthic community composition from data gathered from the preceding couple of years, and also from surveys during the years after the storm. The damage was severe largely due to this storm generating huge waves that smashed and scoured the coral outcrops and areas of shallow sea bed. Surveys after the event revealed extensive damage to corals and sea-bed communities, including some species that are relatively long-lived like some sponges, sea fans, and anenomes. The study makes the interesting point, backed up by numerous citations, that species that exhibit little change in populations and few community changes over time, due to a lack of disruption, are particularly susceptible to the impact of low frequency, high impact events. This compounded by evidence from studies that show the Mediterranean to be a potential hotspot for climate change (e.g. Giorgi and Lionello 2008). This means that we may see certain species in the Med under increasing pressure from extinction in the future. If we are going into an Antropocene, partly characterised by greater extremes of climate, then long-lived species with limited adaptability could well be the first to become extinct.

Disturbance biodiversity boosts
Storms can also trigger an ecological process in which species take advantage of the openings presented by a disturbance, seeking to fill any ecological niche that opens up and temporarily increasing biodiversity. This is known as “gap phase succession”. A non-storm related example can be found in many forest and grassland ecosystems with fire being a key trigger. Many species actually rely on these events, however, the question of whether they can adapt to greater ferocity of fires in a future warmer world, with longer and deeper drought turning grasslands and forests into tinder just waiting for a spark (normally from human activity or lightning), remains. This idea is similar in concept to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, first introduced by Joseph Connell in 1978. The diagram below highlights this idea, but basically, it’s how biodiversity can be maximised by disturbances that are neither too frequent, nor too rare.
Source:  The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (data from Connell 1978).

But back to storms, the huge numbers of trees that get blown over during winter storms across Europe will continue to provide a bonus for biodiversity in the short term (downed trees provide food and habitat for new invertebrates, fungi and lichen). However, again it does appear these ecosystems have developed in such a way as to take advantage of the gaps presented by rare infrequent events. Change the frequency and severity of shocks on a system that has developed based on past experience over a long period of stable extremes, and who know what will happen! We can certainly hypothesise.

Goodbye equilibrium, hello climate change
This study by Backlund et al. in 2008 paints a rather pessimistic picture assessing broad impacts of climate change, and for the purposes of this blog, it describes how ecosystems are likely to be pushed further in to alternate states due to climate change. It considers that established predator/prey or pollinator/plant interactions may be put under additional stresses. It seems that this can potentially leave them vulnerable to the impacts of single rare events, such as hurricanes, which could lead to system failure! Stressed systems are generally less able to bounce back from big shocks.
If climate change is modifying the severity of storms, and potentially frequency and storm tracks for some regions, then we have lots of work to do in working out where we have vulnerable species and where we need to build in extra resilience to prepare for future severe events, which outside of the past experience. Climate change is a slow, creeping effect, which can easily catch us off-guard (and is arguably already doing so). In some cases however, ecosystem management may be the most effective route to help build our societal resilience to a future of more intense storms, as highlighted in a recent Royal Society report (see recommendation 4).

Stormy times ahead
It seems from my research for this blog that storms do have a part to play in maintaining our biodiversity, and the benefits that diverse biological systems bring. Storms (and climatic extremes) are important for the ecosystems that have already evolved to fit the past frequency and severity of rare events, but in an uncertain future due to climate change, they may also have the potential to exert significant extra pressure on local ecosystems, and could result in local extinctions of threatened species.

Enhanced focus on vulnerable and keystone species, tightly dependant ecosystems structures, and isolated communities should help guide our conservation and resilience building efforts in the context of a changing climate.

Sunday 18 October 2015

The calm *blog* before the storm...

The standard advice about starting any writing endeavour is to write about what you know. Well, I’m here to use this blog to learn more about the complex issue of climate change, so that leaves me somewhat limited, but since no journey starts without a first step my starting point will be storms.

Now, I’m not talking about your everyday ‘it’s a bit blowy outside’ kind of storms, but instead I mean the big ones, the rare beasts that wreak havoc to those in their path, with impacts that spread way beyond those who are unlucky enough to be directly in the firing line.

In a changing climate, extreme storms are expected to also change in terms of their frequency and severity, but there is much uncertainty. It’s not just the storms themselves that are likely to change. In the future our exposure and vulnerability to their impacts will also evolve. How these factors interlink, and exactly how extreme storms are likely to change, are subjects of much debate and a key question in the field of climate change science. A warmer world is expected to change how often we see storms like Hurricanes Katrina which ravaged an ill-prepared New Orleans, or Hurricane Sandy which flooded much of the east coast of the U.S. including New York  (comparison before and after images on this link - worth a look). Then there are clusters of windstorms like Lothar and Martin that hit Europe just after Christmas in 1999 causing billions of Euros in insured losses, let alone the amount of uninsured damage, which may also change in frequency in the future (the subject of a future blog I'm sure). Storms like Super Typhoon Haiyan caused immeasurable suffering and loss in the Philippines in 2013. Tragic loss of life reached into the thousands, and the huge amount of damage was largely uninsured with government responses barely able to help those affected and international aid being a large source of the relief. This highlights the global differences in vulnerability to these extreme events. However, in the context of climate change, the often-asked questions are: “Can ‘storm x’ be attributed to climate change?” or “Are we likely to see more storms similar to ‘storm x’?” Not easy questions to address, but so in this blog I’ll be searching for the answers that are out there (if any), and look at various sides of the science in a quest to respond to these very reasonable questions.
Hurricane Katrina on its way towards New Orleans. Source: NASA

With those sobering thoughts in mind, I intend to use this blog as an exploration into what we know about tropical cyclones and their relationships to climate in the past, present and future. From palaeotempestology looking back thousands of years, to high resolution climate modelling out to 2100, I’ll be bringing together interesting facts, reviewing papers, and hopefully bringing out some entertaining and engaging moments along the way.

Perhaps just a quick word about me before we get going, for the sake of good manners. I’ve just started a part-time Masters degree in Climate Change (hence this blog), but also work full time coordinating and leading research projects for a large insurance/reinsurance broker. My background is in meteorology having worked for over a decade as a weather forecaster in the UK and in Bermuda (I wanted to forecast hurricanes).

I also have an interest in the communication of science having worked in the media side of forecasting at the start of my career, and studied at art college before moving on to a BSc in Environmental Science at the turn of the millennium. So basically, I’m a self-confessed weather geek, who likes paintings and films. I've contributed to my company's blog a few times, but never run my own site, so I'll hopefully build some good content on this page as I go along.

I'm always happy to receive comments about the weather and climate, especially severe storms, so feel free to reply on any posts and I'll respond as soon as I can.